Science-Class-7 DPP Talent Search Examinations

Each question has four alternatives marked (A), (B), (C) and (D), but only one of these alternatives is the correct answer. Find the correct answer. 1. In the following crossword, find the number of words associated in any way with the digestion and the digestive system. (A) 10 (B) 12 (C) 14 (D) 13 2. Pashmina shawls are made of wool obtained from (A) sheeps of selective breed of Tibet and Ladakh (B) yaks, common in Tibet and Ladakh (C) angora goats, found in hilly areas of Jammu & Kashmir (D) special breed of Kashmiri goats 3. Fresh water stored in the ground ....................................... that present in all the rivers, ponds and lakes of the world Which one of the following is the correct for the blank space in the above sentence ? (A) is much more than (B) is almost equal to (C) is much less than (D) is slightly less than 4. Forests play role in which of the following ? (A) Water and oxygen cycles in nature (B) Oxygen, nitrogen and carbon cycles in nature (C) Water, oxygen and nitrogen cycles in nature (D) Water, oxygen, nitrogen and carbon cycles in nature [2] 5. Distance-time graphs are shown below for a scooterist. In which one of the following 4 cases, the average speed of the scooterist is maximum ? (A) (B) (C) (D) [3] 6. Match the statements of Columns-I and II and tick-mark () the correct matching, given as one of the four alternatives A, B, C and D. Column-I Column-II (a) Condensation (i) seeping of water into the ground (b) Evaporation (ii) loss of water from plants through stomata (c) Infiltration (iii) process of conversion from liquid state to vapour state (d) Precipitation (iv) process of conversion from gaseous state to liquid state (e) Transpiration (v) growing of water vapour into mist, snow or rain, etc., and falling under gravity (A) (a) - iv, (b) - ii, (c) - i, (d) - v, (e) - iii (B) (a) - iii, (b) - iv, (c) - i, (d) - v, (e) - ii (C) (a) - iv, (b) - iii, (c) - i, (d) - v, (e) - ii (D) (a) - iv, (b) - iii, (c) - v, (d) - i, (e) - ii 7. In which one of the following groups, all the constituents are not nutrients for our body ? (A) Carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals (B) Vitamins, minerals, fats, water (C) Proteins, vitamins, minerals, fats (D) Minerals, fats, proteins, carbohydrates 8. Fill in the blanks with proper words in the following paragraph and choose the correct option, given below. Some plants which do not have ................... cannot synthesize their ......... . Such plants depend on the food produced by other plants and are called ................... . Cuscuta (amarbel) twines around the stems and branches of other trees. It takes readymade food from the plant on which it grows. This plant is also called ................... and the plant from which it draws nutrition is called ......... . (A) green colour, food, heterotrophs, dependent, host (B) chlorophyll, food, autotrophs, parasite, host (C) chlorophyll, photosynthesis, heterotrophs, parasite, host (D) chlorophyll, food, heterotrophs, parasite, host [4] 9. Match the statements of Columns-I and II and tick-mark () the correct matching, given as one of the four alternatives A, B, C and D. Column-I Column-II (a) Element of electric iron (i) tungsten wire (b) Filament of electric bulb (ii) fuse wire (c) Wiring in our houses (iii) nichrome wire (d) Limiting the current in a circuit (iv) copper wire (A) (a) - ii, (b) - i, (c) - iv, (d) - iii (B) (a) - i, (b) - iii, (c) - iv, (d) - ii (C) (a) - iii, (b) - i, (c) - iv, (d) - ii (D) (a) - iii, (b) - i, (c) - ii, (d) - iv 10. Tick-mark () the correct statement from the following. (A) A kink in a clinical thermometer helps the doctor to record the temperature of the patient correctly (B) Clothes of light colours absorb heat better than clothes of dark colours (C) In summer, sea breeze is the air that blows from the sea to land during night (D) Water is a good conductor of heat and so it is used for cooking 11. Which one of the following is the correct order of parts of alimentary canal or digestive tract ? (A) Buccal cavity, oesophagus, stomach, large intestine, small intestine, rectum, anus (B) Buccal cavity, stomach, oesophagus, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, anus (C) Oesophagus, buccal cavity, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, anus (D) Buccal cavity, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, anus 12. Silk fibre is mainly made up of (A) proteins secreted by caterpillar (B) carbohydrates secreted by caterpillar (C) carbonates secreted by caterpillar (D) cellulose and proteins [5] 13. Match the statements of Columns-I and II and tick-mark () the correct matching, given as one of the four alternatives A, B, C and D. Column-I Column-II (a) Acetic acid (i) lemon (b) Citric acid (ii) unripe grapes (c) Lactic acid (iii) spinach (d) Oxalic acid (iv) vinegar (e) Tartaric acid (v) curd, yogurt (A) (a) - iv, (b) - v, (c) - i, (d) - iii, (e) - ii (B) (a) - iv, (b) - i, (c) - v, (d) - ii, (e) - iii (C) (a) - iv, (b) - i, (c) - v, (d) - iii, (e) - ii (D) (a) - iv, (b) - i, (c) - iii, (d) - v, (e) - ii 14. Fill in the blanks with proper words in the following paragraph and choose the correct option, given below. The female silk moth lays eggs, from which hatch ............. which are called caterpillars. These grow in size and when the caterpillar is ready to enter the next stage of its life history, called ............. , it first weaves a net to hold itself. Then it swings its head from side to side in the form of figure eight (8). During these movements of the head, the caterpillar ............. fibre made up of a ............. which hardens on exposure to ............. and becomes ............. . (A) larvae, pupa, secretes, protein, sunlight, silk yarn (B) pupa, larvae, secretes, protein, sunlight, silk yarn (C) larvae, pupa, makes, material, air, silk fibre (D) larvae, pupa, secretes, protein, air, silk fibre 15. The temperature of a body is measured by a device called thermometer. The thermometer that is used to measure the temperature of humans is called clinical thermometer. The range of a clinical thermometer is (A) 30°C to 42°C (B) 35°C to 45°C (C) 35°C to 42°C (D) 36°C to 45°C 16. A cyclist cycles for 15 minutes at the speed of 36 km/hr, for 36 minutes at the speed of 30 km/hr and for 24 minutes at the speed of 45 km/hr. The average speed of the cyclist over the whole journey is (A) 37.5 km/hr (B) 33 km/hr (C) 36 km/hr (D) 40 km/hr [6] 17. Some vital and delicate internal parts of our body are shown in the following figure. These are marked (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f). These can be written in order as (A) Heart, lung, kidney, liver, stomach, small intestine (B) Heart, liver, kidney, lung, stomach, small intestine (C) Heart, liver, kidney, lung, stomach, large intestine (D) Heart, spleen, kidney, lung, stomach, small intestine 18. Which one of the following is not a water-borne disease ? (A) Tuberculosis (B) Cholera (C) Typhoid (D) Dysentery 19. Find out the incorrect statement from the following. (A) Biogas is produced during anaerobic decomposition of sludge (B) Used water is wastewater and cannot be reused (C) Waste generation is a natural part of human activity (D) Sewage is a liquid waste which causes water and soil pollution 20. The image formed by which one of the following can be obtained on the screen ? (A) Convex mirror (B) Concave lens (C) Plane mirror (D) Concave mirror [7] 21. Match the statements of Columns-I and II and tick-mark () the correct matching, given as one of the four alternatives A, B, C and D. Column-I Column-II (a) Baking soda (i) copper sulphate (b) Caustic soda (ii) calcium carbonate (c) Washing soda (iii) sodium bicarbonate (d) Blue vitriol (iv) sodium carbonate (e) Chalk (v) sodium hydroxide (A) (a) - iii, (b) - v, (c) - iv, (d) - i, (e) - ii (B) (a) - iii, (b) - iv, (c) - v, (d) - i, (e) - ii (C) (a) - iii, (b) - v, (c) - iv, (d) - ii, (e) - i (D) (a) - v, (b) - iii, (c) - iv, (d) - i, (e) - ii 22. Humus is a brown or black organic substance consisting of partially or wholly decayed vegetable or animal matter that provides nutrients for plant and increases the ability to retain water. Which one of the following statements is not correct about humus ? (A) It is also called as natural compost extracted from forests or other sources (B) It is present only in the top-soil or the uppermost layer of the soil (C) It provides strength to the deep roots of big trees by providing a firm grip (D) It helps the soil to retain water by increasing its porous nature 23. Which one of the following is an example of uniform motion ? (A) Motion of the earth around the sun (B) Motion of a body, just released from some height (C) Motion of the pendulum in a clock (D) None of the above motions is a uniform motion 24. Tick-mark () the incorrect statement from the following. (A) Miniature circuit breaker is preferred as compared to a fuse wire, in household wiring (B) A current-carrying wire behaves like a magnet (C) For lifting very heavy weights by cranes, electromagnets are used (D) In tube lights or CFLs, the wire of the element glows with brighter light than in electric bulbs [8] 25. Match the statements of Columns-I and II and tick-mark () the correct matching, given as one of the four alternatives A, B, C and D. Column-I Column-II (a) Temperature at which water boils (i) 30°C (b) Temperature at which ice melts (ii) 4°C (c) Temperature at which the density of (iii) 37°C water is maximum (d) Average room temperature (iv) 100°C (e) Average body temperature of a (v) 0°C healthy human being (A) (a) - iv, (b) - v, (c) - ii, (d) - iii, (e) - i (B) (a) - iv, (b) - v, (c) - ii, (d) - i, (e) - iii (C) (a) - iv, (b) - v, (c) - i, (d) - ii, (e) - iii (D) (a) - iv, (b) - v, (c) - i, (d) - iii, (e) - ii 26. Fill in the blanks with proper words in the following paragraph and choose the correct option, given below. The process of .................. of food in the cell, with the release of energy is called cellular .................. an takes place in the cells of all .................. . In the cell, food (glucose) is broken down into .................. and ............., using oxygen. When the breakdown of glucose occurs with the use of oxygen it is called respiration. (A) digestion, respiration, organisms, carbon dioxide, alcohol, aerobic (B) breakdown, respiration, organisms, alcohol, water, aerobic (C) breakdown, respiration, organisms, carbon dioxide, water, aerobic (D) breakdown, respiration, organisms, carbon dioxide, water, anaerobic 27. Which one of the following statements is not correct ? (A) Rumen is a separate part of stomach, in some animals, in which food gets partially digested (B) The basic process of digestion of food and release of energy is same in all the animals (C) Iodine-test is used for confirming the presence of starch in a given sample (D) Many animals, including humans, can also digest cellulose which is abundant in grass [9] 28. It is a gland which produces several important hormones including insulin, glucagon and somatostatin. It also secretes juices containing digestive enzymes that pass to the small intestine. These enzymes help to further breakdown the carbohydrates, proteins and fats in the partially digested food. It is a large creamy coloured gland. The name of this gland is (A) spleen (B) liver (C) pancreas (D) thyroid 29. Which one of the following is not the correct statement ? (A) Silviculture is not associated with production of silk (B) The uppermost layer of the skin of animals is dead (C) Cotton, jute and silk are plant products (D) Wool as well as silk are protein fabrics 30. Which one of the following statements is not true ? (A) Forecast of weather is less accurate because of chaotic and ever-changing nature of the atmosphere (B) There are a variety of plantations and abundance of food production in tropical rain-forest regions. So there is no competition for food for the animals (C) All changes in the weather at a place are caused by the Sun (D) Camouflage helps in the survival of prey from its predators 31. The device used for measuring speed of winds is called (A) odometer (B) anemometer (C) speedometer (D) ammeter 32. In plants, food is transported to different parts of the plant through (A) xylem (B) stomata (C) phloem (D) all of these 33. Which one of the following statements is not correct ? (A) Yeast is a single-celled organism which respires anaerobically (B) Alga grow and multiply through fragmentation (C) Bryophyllum can reproduce through its roots (D) The male gametes are found inside the pollen grains and the female gamets are found in the ovule [10] 34. Out of total water on the earth, what percentage of water is available in river, ponds and lakes (used for irrigation as well as for drinking by animals and humans) ? (A) 0.3% (B) 0.6% (C) 1.2% (D) 2.4% 35. Some organisms live together and share shelter and nutrients. This type of relationship is called symbiotic relationship. The symbiotic relationship is not shown in which of the following cases ? (A) Certain fungi living in the roots of trees (B) Alga and fungus living together (C) Insects in a pitcher plant (D) Rhizobium (a bacterium) living in roots of certain pulses 36. Which one of the following is not an element of the weather at a place ? (A) Humidity (B) Temperature (C) Sun set or Sun rise (D) Condition of cloud formation 37. Which one of the following is different from the other three ? (A) Cyclone (B) Hurricane (C) Typhoon (D) Thunderstorm 38. In cockroaches, air for respiration enters its body through (A) gills (B) skin (C) tracheae (D) all of these 39. Micro-organisms act upon the dead plants to produce (A) sand (B) mushrooms (C) humus (D) oxygen 40. Which of the following compound is not made up of mainly carbonates ? (A) Marble (B) Gypsum (C) Chalk (D) Paris white [11] [12] ANSWERS : CLASS VII SCINECE 1 C 2 D 3 A 4 D 5 C 6 C 7 B 8 D 9 C 10 A 11 D 12 A 13 C 14 D 15 C 16 C 17 B 18 A 19 B 20 D 21 A 22 C 23 D 24 D 25 B 26 C 27 D 28 C 29 C 30 B 31 B 32 C 33 C 34 B 35 C 36 C 37 D 38 C 39 B 40 B [13]


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