11.combined Test 1 (Paper 2) English

COMBINED TEST - 1 (CT-1) PAPER-2 Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 180 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 1. The question paper consists of three parts (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics). Each part consists of three sections and total number of questions are 60. Marking Scheme 2. In Section 1 (Total Marks: 24), for each question you will be awarded 3 marks if you give the correct answer and zero mark if no answer is given. In all other cases, minus one (–1) Mark will be awarded. 3. In Section 2 (Total Marks: 24) and 3 (Total Marks: 12), for each question you will be awarded 3 marks if you give the correct answer and zero mark if no answer is given. In all other cases, minus one (–1) Mark will be awarded. SECTION – 1 : (One or more options correct Type) This section contains 8 multiple coice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONE or MORE are correct. 1 A fusion reaction consists of combining four protons into an –particle. The mass of –particle is 4.002603u and that of proton is 1.007825u (A) the equation 4p 1  He 4 does not satisfy conservation of charge 1 2 (B) the correct reaction equation may be 4p 1  He 4 + 2+ + 2 where + is positron and  is the neutrino 1 2 (zero rest mass and uncharged) (C) loss of mass of the reaction is 0.028697 u (D) the energy equivalent of the mass defect is 26.7 MeV 2. The positions of the object O (real or virtual) and the image  (real or virtual) with respect to the optical axis of a spherical mirror is shown. Then select the possible mirror and its position to realise it. optical axis (A) concave mirror closer to object. (B) concave mirror closer to image (C) convex mirror closer to object. (D) convex mirror closer to image. 3 A horizontal rod of mass 2 kg is kept touching two vertical parallel rough rails, carrying current. There is a magnetic field B = 2T present vertically downward. The rails are connected to battery of 100 V at t = 0. The resistance of the circuit is 5 and starts to increase at constant rate 0.5 /s. The coefficient of friction between the rails and rod is µ = 3/4 (g = 10 m/s2 and seperation between the rails in 1m ). Then - (A) The friction force acting on the rod at t = 0 is 20 N (B) The friction force acting on the rod at t = 0 is 30 N (C) Acceleration of rod at t = 0 is 5 m/s2 (D) At t = 5 sec. rod is about to start 4 A particle with charge 'q' is travelling with velocity 'v' parallel to a wire with a uniform linear charge distribution  per unit length. The wire also carries a current I as shown in the fig. The velocity with which particle travels in a straight line parallel to the wire at a distance 'r' away is. 100 volt  (A) 0 0 I C2 (B)  20 0 I 2 (C) (D) I 0 0 I A B 5. Four particles are placed at the corners of a square. Their charges and masses are shown. The charges are released. Then m, q 2m, q (A) The potential of the centre of square initially is zero. (B) The charges will move in straight lines. (C) The angle between the velocity vectors of B and C will be right angle. (D) The speeds of all the charge particles are same. 2m, q D m, q C 6. A sphere of mass m moving with speed v collides elastically with a stationary sphere of mass km, where k is some numerical factor. Let their resulting velocities be → and → respectively. Then pick up the correct statements : v1 v 2 (A) If the collision is oblique, v 2 must be perpendicular to 2v1  (k  1)v 2. (B) If the collision is oblique, v 2 must be perpendicular to v1  (2k  1)v 2 (C) If the collision is headon, →   1  k  → v1    v 2 2  (D) If the collision is headon, →  (1 → 2k) v2 7. Two bodies A and B are moving with same constant speed v in clockwise direction in a horizontal circle of radius R and are initially diagonally opposite. The particle B now achieves a tangential acceleration a m/s2. Then : (A) they collide after time (B) they collide after time (C) relative velocity just before collision is (D) relative velocity just before collision is 8. An alternating source is applied to a series RLC circuit as shown in the figure. Which of the following(s) is/ are possible for the circuit at same instant of time ? (A) Voltage across WZ is zero but current through it is non–zero (B) Voltage across WZ is zero but current through it is also zero (C) Voltage across WY is zero but current through it is also non–zero (D) Voltage across XZ is zero and current through it is also zero SECTION – 3 : (Matching List Type) This section contains 4 multiple choice questions. Each questions has matching lists. The codes for the lists have choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct. Paragraph for Question Nos. 9 to 10 The radionuclide 56Mn is being produced in a cyclotron at a constant rate P by bombarding a maganese target with deutrons. 56Mn has a half life of 2.5 hours and the target contains large number of only the stable maganese isotope 55Mn. The reaction that produces 56Mn is : 55Mn + d  56Mn + p After being bombarded for a long time, the activity of 56Mn becomes constant equal to 13.86 × 1010 s–1 . (Use ln2 = 0.693; Avogadro No = 6 × 1023; atomic weight 56Mn = 56 gm/mole) 9. At what constant rate P, 56Mn nuclei are being produced in the cyclotron during the bombardment ? (A) 2 × 1011 nuclei/s (B) 13.86 × 1010 nuclei/s (C) 9.6 × 1010 nuclei/s (D) 6.93 × 1010 nuclei/s 10. After the activity of 56Mn becomes constant, number of 56Mn nuclei present in the target, is equal to (A) 5 × 1011 (B) 20 × 1011 (C) 1.2 × 1014 (D) 1.8 × 1015 Paragraph for Question Nos. 11 to 12 A charged particle is suspended at the centre of two thin concentric spherical charged shells, made of non conducting material. Figure A shows cross section of the arrangement. Figure B gives the net flux  through a Gaussian sphere centered on the particle, as a function of the radius r of the sphere. 11. What is the charge on the central particle ? (A) 0.2 C (B) 2 C (C) 1.77 C (D) 3.4 C 12. What is the charge on shell A ? (A) 5.31 × 10–6 C (B) – 5.31 × 10–6 C (C) – 3.54 × 10–6 C (D) – 1.77 × 10–6 C Paragraph for Question Nos. 13 to 14 A particle (1) having positive charge q and mass m is moving along x-axis with a velocity v  v0 ˆi in space having uniform and constant magnetic field B  B0ˆi , where v0 and B0 are positive constants. At time t = 0 second, the moving particle (1) strikes another stationary uncharged particle (2) of mass m lying at origin, as shown in figure (i). The collision is perfectly elastic and the uncharged particle (2) after collision moves along a straight line (in x-y plane) making an angle 45° with positive x-axis, as shown in figure (ii). Assume that there is no transfer of charge between the particles during collision. 13. The time period of revolution of charged particle (after t = 0 second) is (A) 2m qB (B) 2 2m qB (C) (D) None of these 14. The minimum time after t = 0, at which the charged particle touches x-axis is (A) (B) 2 2m qB (C) 2m qB (D) After t = 0 charged particle does not touch x-axis. Paragraph for Question Nos. 15 to 16 A dielectric is inserted in a parallel plate capacitor, of capacitance C (without dielectric) and distance between the plates ' d '. The system is charged by a battery of voltage V. After charging, the capacitor is hanged from the ceiling, in the vertical plane (as shown in figure), by an insulating massless rod. A uniform rod of mass ' m ' hinged at O from one end, is connected to the lower plate of the capacitor by an insulating massless rod from its another end. The rod of mass m is found to be in equilibrium in horizontal position. Then, 15. find the dielectric constant K of the dielectric and hence a relation between ' m ', ' d ', C and V for the above observations to hold good. (A) (B) (C) (D) dmg cv2 16. if now the dielectric is removed from the capacitor in a very small time interval t. Then find the initial angular acceleration of the rod of mass m. [Assume the dielectric and the capacitor plates to be massless and the dielectric just touching the lower plate without exerting any normal force on it.] (A) Zero (B) (C) (D) Undefined SECTION – 3 : (Matching List Type) This section contains 4 multiple choice questions. Each questions has matching lists. The codes for the lists have choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct. 17 P. List -I List -II 1. infinitely large sheet Q. 2. line charge R. 3. uniformly charged spherical shell S. 4. uniformly charged solid sphere Codes : P Q R S (A) 1 2 3 4 (B) 4 3 2 1 (C) 3 4 2 1 (D) 2 1 4 2 18 A beam consisting of four types of ions A, B, C and D enters a region that contains a uniform magnetic field as shown. The field is perpendicular to the plane of the paper, but its precise direction is not given. All ions in the beam travel with the same speed. The table below gives the masses and charges of the ions. Ion beam r4 > r3 = r2 > r1 The ions fall at different positions 1, 2, 3 and 4, as shown. Correctly match the ions with respective falling positions. List- I P. A List- II 1. 1 Q. B 2. 2 R. C 3. 3 S. D 4. 4 Codes P Q R S (A) 2 1 4 3 (B) 4 1 3 2 (C) 4 1 2 3 (D) 2 1 3 4 19. A white light ray is incident on a glass prism, and it create four refracted rays A, B, C and D. Match the refracted rays with the colours given (1 & D are rays due to total internal reflection.): Ray Colour P. A 1. red Q. B 2. green R. C 3. yellow S. D 4. blue Codes : P Q R S (A) 1 2 3 4 (B) 1 3 2 4 (C) 1 4 3 2 (D) 3 2 4 1 20. Match the following List - I List _II P. Resistivity 1. [K–1 ] Q. Coefficient of volume expansion 2. [M1 L2 T–3 A–1 ] R. Gravitational potential 3. [M1 L3 T–3 A–2 ] S. Electric potential 4. [L2 T–2] Codes : P Q R S (A) 3 1 4 2 (B) 1 3 2 4 (C) 3 1 2 4 (D) 3 2 1 4 A nswers 1. (A, B, C,D) 2. (A,C) 3. (A,D) 4 (A,C) 5 (B,C) 6. (A,C) 7. (B,D) 8. (A,B,C) 9. (B) 10. (D) 11. (C) 12. (B) 13. (A) 14. (C) 15. (A) 16. (A) 17 (C) 18 (C) 19. (C) 20. (A) NOTE : PLEASE CHECK THIS ANSWER. 14 TO 16


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