Periodic functions. Simple harmonic motion (S.H.M.) and its equation; phase; oscillations of a spring - restoring force and force constant; energy in S.H.M. - kinetic and potential energies; Simple pendulum - derivation of expression for its time period; Free, forced and damped oscillations, resonance. Wave motion. Longitudinal and transverse waves, speed of a wave. Displacement relation for a progressive wave. Principle of superposition of waves, reflection of waves, Standing waves in strings and organ pipes, fundamental mode and harmonics, Beats, Doppler
effect in sound
The motion which repeats itself after a fixed interval of time, is called periodic motion, e.g., the motion of earth around sun.
Oscillatory Motion
If a particle moves back and forth (or to and fro) over the same path periodically then its motion is said to be oscillatory or vibratory e.g., motion of a pendulum.
Periodic Function
If f(t) = f(t + T) then function is periodic and T is time period.
Harmonic Motion
When oscillatory motion of a particle can be expressed in terms of sine or cosine functions, it is said to be a harmonic motion.
When a motion can be expressed in terms of a single sine or cosine (sinusoidal) function, the motion is said to be Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM). For SHM, force ∝-(displacement)
⇒ F ∝ – x
⇒ F = – kx [Restoring Force]
Periodic motion
Simple harmonic motion
Energy in SHM
Simple pendulum
Oscillation of spring
Superposition of SHM
⇒ a = − k x m
d 2 x +
dt 2
k x = 0 or
d 2 x
dt 2
+ ω2 x = 0
This equation represents S.H.M.
Some Important Points :
x = Asinωt, x = Acosωt, x = Asinωt ± Bcosωt, x = Asin2ωt, x = Acos2(ωt + φ) all satisfy the above differential equation. Therefore they all represent S.H.M.
All simple harmonic motions are oscillatory but all oscillatory motions are not simple harmonic.
Two particles executing S.H.M. with time periods T1 and T2 (T1 > T2) start at the same time. The particles will be in phase after n oscillations of T2 and (n – 1) oscillations of T1 so that nT2 = (n – 1)T1.
Velocity and acceleration of a particle executing S.H.M. If x = A sinωt
⇒ v = dx = Aωcos ωt
v = Aω
⎛ωt + π ⎞
sin⎜ ⎟
⎝ 2 ⎠
i.e., velocity leads displacement by 2 . (This is always true in SHM)
Dependence of velocity with position
v = ω A2 − x 2
a = dv
= − Aω2 sin ωt
⇒ a = Aω2sin(ωt + π)
i.e., acceleration leads velocity by 2 . Acceleration and displacement are in opposite phase.
Dependence of acceleration with position, is a = –ω2x
Various points to remember :
Variation with time
Variation with position
At mean position
t = 0
At extreme position x = ±A
x = sinAω t
x = 0
x = ±A
v = Aω cosω t
v = ± ω A2 – x2
v = ± ωA
v = 0
x = Aω2 sinω t
a = –ω 2x
a = 0
a = ±ω2A
Energy in SHM
Salient points regarding energy in SHM :
Time period
|KE ~ PE|
Total Energy
= 1 mω2A2 .
KEmax =
1 mω2 A2
at mean position.
KEmin = zero at extreme position.
PEavg =
1 mω2 A2 .
PEmax =
1 mω2 A2
at extreme position.
Both kinetic and potential energy vary parabolically with x.
Constant 1/2mω 2A2
PE = KE at x
If two particles start oscillating in phase then, instant at which
they come to phase again, difference of their number of vibration must be integral
they come to opposite phase, difference of their number of vibrations must be odd half integral.
Time period of oscillation of simple pendulum of length l for small angular amplitude (< 10º) is given by
T = 2π
Variation in Time Period
On changing various factors, T changes as :
If length ‘l’ is changed,
ΔT = 1 . Δl
T 2 l
If gravity ‘g’ is changed,
ΔT = − 1 . Δg
T 2 g
If length of pendulum changes due to
Rise of temperature, Time loss per day =
Fall of temperature, Time gain per day =
αΔθ × 86400 s 2
αΔθ × 86400 s 2
If a simple pendulum is taken to height h above the earth surface, loss of time per day (h << R).
= h × 86400 s
(If h = 1 km, loss of time = 13.6 s/day.)
Simple Pendulum in Lift
Effective g = | →g + →a |
T = 2π
a T = 2π
In case of free fall
a = g
T → ∞, f = 0
If bob is charged and placed in electric field E.
Vertical field
= g − qE
T = 2π
Field due to fixed point charge
T = 2π
That is, time period does not change.
Horizontal field
T = 2π
Seconds Pendulum
T = 2s = Time period of seconds pendulum.
T = 2π
⇒ l = 99 cm ≈ 1 m = Length of seconds pendulum.
Simple Pendulum of Length Comparable to the Radius of Earth
Time period of such a pendulum is given by,
T = 2π
2 ⎛ qE ⎞2
g + ⎜ ⎟
⎝ m ⎠
(various cases for such pendulum)
When length of the pendulum is very large. That is,
l >> Re
⎡ 1 ⎤
T = 2π
⎢ l → 0⎥⎦
= 60 min. = 1.4 hr. = 84.6 minute
When radius of earth is very large. That is,
R >> l
⇒ T = 2π
1 → 0
Horizontal Oscillations
The spring is pulled/pushed from x = 0 to x = x0 and released.
The block executes SHM
Amplitude of oscillation = x0
Time period T = 2π
x = 0
x = x0
Vertical Oscillations
Case - I :
Supported and
slowly lowered Equilibrium
(mean position)
In equilibrium position, extension in the spring is given by,
y = mg
Pulled and released
0 k
Now the spring is pulled by A and released, then
Amplitude of oscillation = A
Time period T = 2π
Case - II :
Support is suddenly removed
l0 k
y = Mg
⇒ 0 k
2y0 Mean position
Maximum extension =
2Mg k
Amplitude of oscillation = Mg
(3) T = 2π
Series Combination :
1 = 1 + 1
k k1 k2
or Effective spring constant, k =
k1 + k2
, T = 2π
1 = 1 + 1
k k1 k2
k k ⇒
Effective spring constant,
T = 2π
k = 1 2
k1 + k2
Some Important Points :
(Series Combination)
Force developed in both the springs will be same.
x1 k2
Extensions in the two springs may be different. x = k
2 1
U1 x1 k2
Energy stored may be different. U = x = k .
2 2 1
Total extension x = x1 + x2.
Parallel Combination
Effective spring constant, k = k1
+ k2 ,
T = 2π M
k1 k
k2 M ⇒
Effective spring constant, k = k1
+ k2
T = 2π
Smooth Smooth
If we cut a spring (of spring constant k) in n equal parts then spring constant of each spring becomes nk.
Various Cases of Spring Mass System
Time period of oscillations in various commonly asked cases :
T = 2π
T = 2π
T = 2π
F = −
T = 2π
I = Moment of inertia
R = Radius
T = 2π
No slipping
1 = 1 + 1
M M1 M2
where M is called reduced mass
Physical Pendulum
Figure shows an extended body (called physical pendulum) pivoted about point O, which is at a distance d
from its centre of mass.
Time period of oscillation, T = 2π I = moment of inertia of the body about pivoted point
Example cases :
1. A rod of mass m and length l suspended about its end
d = l
, I =
ml 2
⇒ T = 2π
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